Inteligencia Adimena Brightness
Day 3
Let’s look toward the light at the end of the tunnel.
After wrapping our heads around the madness, and floating the bold ideas necessary to drive transformative change, there’s practical work to be done. It will require the brightest people and ideas to do it.
Day Three is when we illuminate next steps: interactive workshops will tackle collective capital mobilisation, encompassing the work of impact practitioners from across the continuum of capital. If, throughout Impact Week, you’ve heard the word ‘collaboration’ and wondered exactly when and where the collaborators are going to meet next, day three is the time to find out. Let’s get real, make commitments and plan, in very concrete terms, the critical impact work on the horizon for 2025.
AGENDA | 29 November 2024
08.30 Registration
09.30 Opening
10.30 Break
10.45 Workshops
12.00 Break
12.15 Workshops
13.30 Farewell Lunch
Impact Week 2024
Impact Week
Impact Week 2024conference@impacteurope.net
Impact Week 2024Impact Week 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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