Get everything you need to know to access EU funding for more impact. Join us and start leveraging the full range of EU funding opportunities! 

This 3-session bootcamp offers the entire impact community a clear overview of financial instruments and clears the path for application. Expect to learn the ins and outs of InvestEU and get inspired for public-private collaboration. After the introductory session, we’ll break into small groups, then reconvene to hear your plans and get first-hand feedback and advice from the EIF experts. 

The bootcamp is open to Impact Week participants only.
Pre-registration will be required, as space is limited. 
Join us on Friday 2 December, 09.30-16.00!




Session 1: High-level overview  

Together with policy experts, let's scope the complex territory of EU funding for impact. Speakers will present a clear, informative overview of all the financial instruments available to impact players. Expect to learn the ins and outs of InvestEU and ESF+ and see the true value of public-private collaborations. We’ll also take a look at non-financial support resources, such as InvestEU Advisory Hub and the EU Social Economy Gateway.  

  • Brigitte Fellahi-Brognaux | Head of Unit, European Commission DG EMPL
  • Jaime Vera Calonje | Senior Investment Manager, EIF
  • Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes | CEO, Euclid Network | member of the Investment Committee for the Social Investment and Skills Window of the InvestEU
  • Peter Surek | CEO, Erste Social Finance Holding | member of the Investment Committee for the Social Investment and Skills Window of the InvestEU
  • Bruno Robino | Head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank
  • Bianca Polidoro | Senior Policy & EU Partnerships Manager, EVPA

Session 2: Learnings from the past   

See the funding instruments from Session 1 in action. We’ll break into small groups to examine insightful cases, with plenty of room for discussion, questions and experience exchange. You’ll get the practical insights your organisation needs for applying the right EU funding and support for your impact goals. 

Session 3: New EU financial instruments 

Time to get even more practical. European Investment Fund (EIF) experts will share the newest financial instruments available to social investors. Then, you’ll get a chance to present your organisation’s projects and hear feedback directly from the EIF panelists.  Don’t miss a chance for truly actionable insights, tailored to your real projects!   


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